Tuesday 1 April 2014

Beauty Blogger Tag

1. Is your hair naturally straight or curly?
When I was younger, I had ringlets, as I grew up I found straighteners and literally straightened it to death! Now its a mix between wavy and curly. I quite like it but I'm hoping it will get nicer as it gets longer so it's not all flicky all over the place!

2. What is your natural hair colour?
I have actually had sooo many different hair colours!! I have now stopped dying my hair as I am growing it out so its a browny gingery colour :)

3. Do you dye it yourself or go to a salon?
When I started dying my hair I went to a hairdressers as I got highlights, then I started to experiment at home and it was a lot cheaper!

4. How often do you wash your hair?
Recently I found out that it's not good to wash your hair too often, and that the natural oils which are produced help your hair to grow, so I have started to wash it twice a week.

5. Do you wear it the same style everyday or change it?
Now that's its a bit longer I do like to experiment with different styles. I try not to use loads of heat on it to help the growth so I tend to try different braids or failing that I do just 'shove it up'!

6. Do you do your own mani/pedi or go to a salon?
I bite my nails!! Ahh awful I know... anyone have any tips to help me stop!? :/

7. How often do you change your nail varnish?
See above!

8. Do you polish your toes in the winter too or just in the summer?
As I can't really use polish on my finger nails, I do like to polish my toe nails so tend to do this a lot, though as I don't own that many it doesn't often happen.

9. How long does it take to put on your makeup?
On a work day, about 10 minutes. On a non work day, about 30 minutes. On an evening out, about 45mins- 60mins.

10. What do you do first? Face or eyes?
Depends!!! If I'm doing a heavy eye then I will do eyes first so as not to ruin my face with fallout. If not I'll do face first.

11. Do you 'collect' makeup or just buy what you need when you need it?
Ohhh, I would love to collect, I can't afford it at the moment :(

12. How often do you wear false eyelashes?
I have actually only worn them once! Maybe because I can't apply them myself.

13. Do you do a full face of makeup everyday?
At work I wear bare minimum, but at the weekend I do a full face :)

14. Do you wear makeup when home alone or with family?
I do sometimes as I love the actual process of doing my make up and experimenting with different looks.

15. Will you leave the house without makeup?

16. How many high end products do you have?
I have a few bits.

17. How often do you wash your makeup brushes?
I tend to go by when I feel like they need doing, it's usually every 3-4 weeks.

18. Do you plan your OOTD every night or decide when getting dressed?
I decide when I look in my wardrobe ha!

19. How often do you change your handbag?
I think this depends on what I need to use it for. Sometimes it can last for weeks/months.

20. What time do you get up and go to sleep?
I always go to bed at 10pm and usually fall asleep at around 10.30-11pm. In the morning I am awful at getting up: I have an alarm at 6.30am, 6.45am, 7am, 7.15am before I eventually get up at around 7.30am!!

21. How often and when do you work out?
I have started playing badminton with Martin, we want to go at least once a week :)

22. Left handed or right handed?
Right handed!

23. How tall are you?

24. Do you speak a foreign language?

25. How many pets do you have?
One rabbit and 3 Guinea Pigs

26. How often are you on blogger?
Every night for different amounts of time.

27. Do you read the comments posted on blogs?
Yes!! That's the best part!!

28. Do you keep a list of products to try as you see other posts?
Yes, though I don't know when I'm going to be able to buy them all!!

29. What kind of camera do you use to take photographs?
I use Martin's camera!! I know nothing about cameras but its a Lumix gf5 with a sigma30mm lens.

31. How often do you clean your house?
Every weekend Martin and I have a deep clean of the house. Obviously the kitchen gets done daily :)

32. What is your favourite colour?
Pink and green and now purple!

33. What is your favourite fashion/beauty magazine?
I don't actually really read any magazines! Should I?

34. Do you swear?
Sometimes, but never badly: very rarely.

35. What are you doing with the rest of your day?
 Catching up on telly, looking at blogs, watching youtube then bed!!

If you complete this Tag, please let me know as I have LOVED this one and would love to read your answers! 

Come and chat to me on twitter here!


  1. This is a really nice tag :) as far as letting your nails grow you can get i kind of nail varnish that tastes DISGUSTING so when you go to bite them it makes you stop. Most of the time you don't realise you are doing it. :) hope this helps and please check out my blog and enter my 300 followers giveaway :) if you can subscribe to me on youtube as well that would be amazing :) xx
    youtube - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxDgtEFFAtZ5khSX6TsspLQ
    blog - http://amsiegramham.blogspot.co.uk/

  2. I love reading these. :3 After reading through yours, I thought how I'd answer the questions and a lot of the time mine were very similar. :)

    I used to bite my nails! I've only recently tried growing them back and the process has been long. Because I bit them they're so weak and take aagges to grow. I did try those polishes that taste nasty but they never worked because I forget to put them on. Then I kept thinking how nice my nails would look if I grew them and painted them with this: http://www.superdrug.com/collection-2000/collection-2000-nail-care-12ml-2-in-1-strengthener/invt/172014 it is just a clear polish with no taste, but it strengthens and nourishes your nails, helping them grow faster! It works so well for me. I'm still using it now. I use this before the nail polish: http://www.superdrug.com/vaseline/vaseline-intensive-care-hand-and-nail-lotion-200ml/invt/312746 and I re-apply these every 3 days. Now my nails are actually hard to break and are growing again nicely. :)

    Hope that wasn't too long or boring to read, but I thought I'd share how I stopped. :)

  3. Love reading tags, helps you get to know the blogger a lot more!
    I am definitly going to be doing this tag!
    Jess x x
    I am currently running a giveaway if you'd like to enter ... A Beautiful Secret Giveaway


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