Monday 7 April 2014

Challenge One | #BloggersDoItBetter

Hello! Welcome Back! I have been a bit absent over the last week.. oops! Last weekend was spent in Budapest (stay tuned for some photos) and then its been a busy week since.

BUT.. I am back. And what a way to come back with the first challenge of the #BloggersDoItBetter Challenge! I am super excited for this first topic, being as I LOVE this time of year. When Gemma emailed with the Topic, I have to say that my initial thought was to create a list of what spring means to me. It was harder than I first thought. 

Baby Animals
As you can see, for me, Spring is a lot about nature. I am an animal lover at the best of times and love visiting farms over and over. Naturally at this time of year there are a lot of baby animals floating around and this excites me so much! I could sit/stand and watch baby lambs, pigs, rabbits, chicks all day long! 

Bright Colours
I am not one for wearing a lot of colour. I tend to stick to black tops with jeans and maybe push the boat out to some grey or brown occasionally. This spring however, I am trying to experiment with colour and wear some more 'spring' colours. For my recent holiday to Budapest I bought some more colours including these shoes which I am loving. 

My love for black and brown also ties into my handbags, which got me looking at various 'spring' coloured bags. Here is what I found, perhaps I will invest in one this spring..

This time of year is beautiful when you walk/drive around and observe all of the new colours of flowers growing. There is something so special and uplifting about seeing rows upon rows of daffodils and big beautiful trees covered in blossom. It's enough to put anyone in a good mood surely!

What are your favourite things about Spring? Do you share any of my thoughts? I'd love to know what you think :)

Come and chat to me on twitter here!


  1. I love seeing animals in the fields too xx

  2. I love baby animals! I used to live next to a farm so would always be round there with the baby sheep!

    Gemma xxx


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