Wednesday 19 March 2014

Experimenting With Make Up | Mac

So some of you may know from reading my birthday post that I got a mac make up session from my Mum and Dad. This happened a couple of weekends back and I'm finally writing up my experience to let you know how it went!

When I got there I was asked what sort of look I was going for. I expressed that I'd like to start wearing a little more colour, as most of my make up looks are very, VERY neutral. I don't know about you, but it feels a lot... safer! As you know I have ginger hair. Nothing wrong with it. I love it. Except when it comes to clothes and lipstick and eye shadow and making sure that colours look okay and don't clash and look awful and ahhhh!!!!! I know on the most part I am worrying too much, but it's better to be safe that sorry. Right? 

So we discussed different colour combinations that we could use and then he suggested pink. Yep- PINK! In my head I was saying 'Oh my Gosh is he sure? pink...PINK? With orange hair? Pink and Orange??' But then I thought he must know what he's talking about, so I said 'go for it!' 

I figured that now was the best chance to try out a new colour combination as I wasn't having to buy the product and it wouldn't be a waste if I didn't like it. BUT...

...I loved it!!! 

Shock Horror! I was totally amazed by how well the colours went with my skin (and hair of course) and how green my eyes looked! So much so that I kept looking at all different angles at the beautiful colours on my eyelids! I was very impressed!

Once he had finished all of my makeup he asked if there was anything to add or anything I would change about the look, and I could honestly say that there was nothing I could think of!! It wasn't until afterwards when I left that I realised he had applied no powder or blush, which normally for me are staples!

Then came the choosing of products as I had £30 to spend. My initial must have was the concealer. I have been on the hunt for a concealer I LOVE rather than just think is okay and this was the one. I was then torn between choosing one of the eyeshadows and the lipstick. I eventually went for the lipstick, which is now my first lipstick in my collection! (shush, no lipstick? I know I know)

Pro Longwear Concealer in 'NW20' and Lipstick in 'Freckletone'

I was given a face chart to show all of the products used and then I was on my way. I can honestly say it was a super experience and I would definitely do it again!

If you had to spend only £30 at Mac what would you choose?


  1. Hi there, I've nominated you for a Liebster Award, a fun way for bloggers to help other bloggers to raise the profile of their blogs. You can see my post here: Congratulations on your blog, it's great! Have a great weekend, hugs x

  2. Your make up looks great! Getting your make up done is so great isn't it, I got mine done by Urban Decay last year and loved it I wish I could get it every day ha!

    Salted Roses // UK Fashion Blog


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