Wednesday 12 March 2014

TMI Tag | More About Me

Hello Hello everyone! So my blog has been going a little while, and in the time I have also been reading other blogs a lot more. I have come to find that I really enjoy reading posts about peoples life and getting to know them. I know that I did the 25 Facts about me, but I have seen this post floating around and thought 'why not!' So here goes, get to know me more :)

1: What are you wearing? My comfies: Tracksuit bottoms and fluffy top :)
2: Ever been in love? Yes, I currently am now and I am the happiest I've ever been.
3: Ever had a terrible breakup? I have had one time, at the time I of course thought it was terrible, but now I look back and I was just young. Oh the joys of hindsight ey!
4: How tall are you? I am 5ft4 inches short :D
5: How much do you weigh? ....... ummm na!
6: Any tattoos? Nope, I have always had an interest in tattoos and think that they are a beautiful art form. I do however understand that they are very permanent and want to make sure that what I get (if I ever get one) is something that means something to me and is what I 100% want.
7: Any piercings? I have 3 lobe piercings on one ear and 2 on the other. Basically I did get three, but the third one on one ear is far too close to the second so I can't wear it. I've also got my belly button pierced.
8: OTP? I don't actually know what this means... anyone care to enlighten me in the comments? :p
9: Favorite Show? I have just watched series 1 and 2 of Homeland. OhMyGoodness!! I love it!! Trying to find Series 3 as I need to know what happens. We literally watched it all in about 2 weeks!! Haha when I get into a series I really have to watch it all so fast!
10: Favorite bands? I don't really have any favourite bands, in fact I don't really have any favourite music artist or genre, I like a lot of music :)
11: Something you miss? Being innocent, carefree and childish.
12: Favorite song? As I have just said, I don't really have favourites. In my previous Tag I said I quite like Jason Derulo trumpets. That little obsession has passed by now, and nothing reallyyyy has replaced it. I quite like a few songs in the charts at the moment.
13: How old are you? Just turned 23.
14: Zodiac sign? Aquarius
15: Quality you look for in a partner? Someone who can make me laugh, Who is confident and has ambitions. Luckily my partner has all these :)
16: Favorite Quote? I love this quote: Laughter is timeless, Imagination has no end, Dreams are forever. You may have guessed this from the picture on the right and it so happens to be a Tinkerbell quote! Perfect.
17: Favorite actor? I'm going to say Nicholas Cage. This is down to the fact that I love the thriller sorts of film he is in, and he always seems to play the role brilliantly!
18: Favorite color? Pink and Green. Though I am becoming fond of Purple.
19: Loud music or soft? This depends what mood I am in . If it's a beautiful sunny day and I'm in a good mood, then loud music especially in the car- I love it. Soft music if I'm not in the best of moods or need cheering up.
20: Where do you go when you’re sad? This may sound a bit 'blergh cheesy' but I usually go to Martin. He always (nearly always) know what to say to make me feel better. Sometime I like to have a bath, time to relax and think about nothing. I actually did this last week- put on some candles and the Frozen soundtrack, worked a treat :)
21: How long does it take you to shower? Not very long! My shower in the house I rent isn't fab: I'd say it is more of a dribble, so it doesn't make being in there very enjoyable or warm! So I try and be as quick as possible. Ha!
22: How long does it take you to get ready in the morning? On a weekday, it takes about 20mins- half an hour. This is because I don't go to work with a full face. I work with children and I really don't think they care what I look like! At the weekend I take a lot longer, I love doing my make up and it's always the time when I can try different looks or simply spend time doing it.
23: Ever been in a physical fight? Never. I can be a very argumentative person when someone disagrees with me or goes against my moral beliefs or hurts someone I love. This has never however ended up in anything physical. 
24: Turn on? Ummmm, A good bottom and an infectious smile. I know that if Martin is smiling at me it certainty makes me feel better and feel like smiling!
25: Turn off? If someone is a sloppy dresser, doesn't take pride in their appearance. This doesn't meant that I only like nice dressed people, just people that CARE about their appearance. I hope that makes sense!
26: The reason I joined Blogger? I have been reading blogs of all kinds for a while every now and then. I wanted a new hobby of sorts. Somewhere I can express my thoughts, beliefs, feelings and act as a sort of diary. I also wanted to make friends and meet new people that have the same interests as me!
27: Fears? I guess I would say I am afraid of having lived my life without feeling like I have made a difference to one or more peoples life in a positive way.
28: Last thing that made you cry? Feeling unwell (common theme)
29: Last time you said you loved someone? This morning before Martin left for work.
30: Meaning behind your Blogger Name?  Well, Tinkerbell has been a love of mine for as long as I can remember. My Dad has always called me Tink and this is where it started, then Martin started calling me Tink. I love everything that Tinkerbell portrays and she reminds me of myself! And the Kelly- well that's my name!
31: Last book you read? Mockingjay (The Hunger Games Trilogy)
32: The book you’re currently reading? 50 Shades Darker. Have read it before, reading it again. Everyone I know loves it, just admit it ;)
33: Last show you watched? Hollyoaks on catch up. Love it!
34: Last person you talked to? My Mum on the phone.
35: The relationship between you and the person you last texted? Boyfriend, Martin Text me to let me know he would be coming home from work soon!
36: Favorite food? Chicken and Pasta. Yum
37: Place you want to visit? There are a few places I want to visit, but at the moment I really want to go to Dubai.
38: Last place you were? Before my house, I was at work!
39: Do you have a crush? On someone other than my partner... nop
40: Last time you kissed someone? This morning before Martin went to work :)
41: Last time you were insulted? Oh goodness, I don't remember! That's always good though!
42: Favourite flavour of sweet? Ooo Sweets! I love sweets. Fruit sweets are probably my fav, I don't have a specific flavour. My favourite are skittles and jelly tots.
43: What instruments do you play? None. Well I did learn to play the piano when I was younger, but then my social life got in the way aha
44: Favourite piece of jewellery? My ring which Martin got me.
45: Last sport you played? Badminton on Saturday, which you already know about :)
46: Last song you sang? Let it Go from Frozen. It's been stuck in my head and I love pretending I can sing!! Doesn't everyone?
47: Favourite chat up line? G: I'm going to bed   B: Mind if I slytherin? HAHA that's my Harry Potter love coming to play there!
48: Have you ever used it? Definitely not!
49: Last time you hung out with anyone? Last night.
50: Who should answer these questions next? Anyone and everyone! If you are reading this I tag you to do this next, Yes, YOU!
Let me know if you do this tag so I can have a nosy!

1 comment:

  1. OTP is a popular term on Tumblr that means "one true pairing" so the two people you really like together in Fiction.Harry and Hermione are one example haha I don't get it.Great answers! xx


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