Friday 17 January 2014

25 Questions: Facts about Me!

What is your middle name?: Elizabeth
What was favourite subject at school?: Sociology and Drama (until it got too theory based!)
What is your favourite drink?: I drink Diet Coke like there is no tomorrow, but you also can't beat a good cup of tea!
What is your favourite song at the moment?: Wow, there's so many! Probably Jason Derulo- Trumpets
What is your favourite food?: Chicken and/or Pasta. Considering chicken is nearly the only meat I eat, definitely have to say its a Fave.
What is the last thing you bought?: A long lighter for my candles (I'm scared of fire!)
Favourite book of all time?: Probably Harry Potter or more recently the Hunger Games Trilogy!
Favourite Colour?: Pink!
Do you have any pets?: Yes- lots! I have: 1 Rabbit (Lola), 2 Boy Guinea Pigs (Buster and Teddy), 1 Girl Guinea Pig (Sugar) and 1 Dwarf Hamster (Bruce).......... plus 2 Dogs at my parents' house (Sam and Bailey)
Favourite Smell?: Freshly baked bread
Favourite Holiday?: I love beach holidays, so I'd say... Mexico
Are you married?: Nope
Have you ever been out of the country, if so how many times?: Yes, lots of times
Do you speak any other language?: I studied German at A level...... but that means nothing! I understand more than I can speak
How many siblings do you have?: One sister
What is your favourite shop?: Disney Store
Favourite restaurant?: Harvester!!! Anyone who knows me knows I could eat there everyday!
When was the last time you cried?: Wednesday, with pain from my bad back *boo*
Favourite Blog?: A few but I like Zoella and Tanya Burr
Favourite Movie?: How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days
Favourite TV show?: Currently watching Series 3 Revenge- Love it! (Also any crime dramas are a definite win)
PC or Mac?: Never had a Mac! 
What phone do you have?: White iPhone 4S
How tall are you?: 5ft 4
Can you cook?: To some extent!! If cooking is using jarred sauces then YES!

Well, that was a lot harder than I had anticipated it to be! It's a lot harder to think of favourites of things than I thought. No doubt I will read this blog post in a week and have changed my mind on some of the answers! I hope that helps you to know me a little better!

Teddy on the left and Buster on the right.

Teddy and Buster

Lola relaxing!


  1. aw your pets are so cute! :)

    1. Thank you!i do love them, so there might be a few posts with pictures of them in it! :)


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